The history Železník village and Sirk nearby village, under which part of Železník village currently falls, is closely connected with the discovery of rich deposits of iron ore. The discovery of ore was the reason why settlements began to be built under the hill of the same name. However, the first mention of iron ore mining in Železník area dates back to 1243. Directly from Ladislav adit, after which part of Železník is also named, construction of a cableway to Likier village began to simplify transport to the smelter (the first coke blast furnace was later built in Likier - in 1885). In the following years, two more cableways were built, on which the extracted iron ore was transported. Even today, there are remains of these buildings around the village. The mines in Železník have a rich history - they remember riots and strikes of mine workers, as well as the passage of the war front. At that time, the mines served as a shelter from the German army. In 1945, mines in Železník were nationalized. The separate plant was abolished in 1958, by incorporating under the national plant of Iron ore mines in Spišská Nová Ves. In the middle of 1965, mining in Železník plant was completely stopped due to the almost complete exhaustion of siderite ore reserves.