Address: Nám. Sv. Trojice 8, 969 01 Banská Štiavnica
Opening Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 9 AM - 5 PM
galeria@muzeumbs.sk, 045/691 34 31, 0918 990 449
IG: @galeriajozefakollara
The Jozef Kollár Gallery is part of the Slovak Mining Museum. The Gallery collects, prepares and presents visual art dating from the 13th century to the present. The Gallery’s collections include rare artworks on the theme of mining, which illustrate the social, cultural and economic importance of the Banská Štiavnica region throughout history.
The Jozef Kollár Gallery is housed in three historical buildings in the town centre, on Holy Trinity Square (Námestie svätej Trojice). Among its several exhibition spaces, halls and rooms, you will also find enchanting courtyards and charmingly unusual nooks. During your visit, your artistic experience will be enhanced by the history and architecture of the building that surrounds you – traces of a bygone time. You are most welcome to visit us!
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