The Slovak Mining Museum offers non-residential premises for rent.
viac 22.09.2023
Acquisition - the acquisition of collection items is one of the basic professional activities of museums.
viac 14.09.2023
The story of the PLETA brand continues with the Work Album!
viac 17.08.2023
Opening hours in Slovak Mining Museum from September 1, 2023.
viac 17.08.2023
The mission of the new exhibition Na muške - to highlight important events in local history, convey the story of a specific museum collection and offer visitors a unique art experience through original exhibition architecture. Please help us make it happen!
viac 14.07.2023
On October 3, 2023, the lease of the non-residential space located in the Jozef Kollár Gallery on Námestí Sv. Trinity 12/8.
viac 13.07.2023
Opening hours in the museum expositions from 1.7. until 31.8.2023.
viac 30.06.2023