04.12.2024 Nativity scenes in Banská Štiavnica and surroundings at the Old Castle

Reopening of the photographic exhibition of nativity scenes from the churches of the Banská Štiavnica district in the premises of the Old Castle library on November 27, 2024. Duration of the exhibition until March 9, 2025.

Dear friends and art lovers,
we are happy to invite you to the reopening of the exhibition of nativity scenes in the beautiful premises of the Old Castle. After a successful premiere in the chapel of St. Ignatius on 13/12/2023, this unique documentation of nativity scenes from churches returns again to remind us of the traditions and artistic heritage that nativity scenes represent.

The exhibition offers the opportunity to admire detailed depictions of nativity scenes from the churches of individual villages in the Banská Štiavnice district, which were created with love and precision. Each village, church and its nativity scene brings its own story and captures the spirit of Christmas, which is deeply rooted in our culture.

We look forward to your visit and believe that the atmosphere of this exceptional exhibition will set you in the mood for the coming holiday season.

The exhibition is accessible to the public as part of a guided tour of the castle.

When: 27.11.2024 – 9.3.2025
Where: Starý zámok - Library, Starozámocká 11, Banská Štiavnica
Opening hours of the castle: opening hours castle, entrances with a lecturer every full hour

We cordially invite you!

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