19.02.2025 Cooperation agreement with the Slovak Railway Company, a.s.

The Slovak Mining Museum provides a discount on the full admission fee from February 18, 2025.

Based on the Cooperation Agreement, we provide tours at a reduced admission price:
a)    admission to the Mining Museum in Nature (open-air museum, mine) discounted price  12.50€
b)    admission to the Glanzenberg adit  discounted price  7.50€
c)    admission to the Old Castle discounted price  6.50€
d)    admission to the New Castle discounted price  2.50€
e)    admission to the J. Kollár Gallery discounted price  1.50€
f)    admission to the Kammerhof discounted price  6.50€
g)    admission to the Coal Exhibition in Handlová discounted price  2.50€

The discount is only applicable on the basis of: presenting one of the following types of valid ZSSK travel documents with the destination station Banská Štiavnica or Handlová:
a)    MAXI KLASIK network travel ticket transferable/non-transferable
b)    travel ticket ordinary fare,
c)    railway pass of Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko, a. s., Železničná spoločnosť Cargo Slovakia, a. s. and Železnice Slovenskej republiky

We look forward to meeting you at the exhibitions.

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